Welcome to Isbjörn of Sweden | Free shipping over 100 EUR / 200 USD | Full return within 30 days |

Terms and Conditions


To shop at Nordic KidsWear AB you must be at least 18 years old. We reserve the right to cancel orders from individuals who provide incorrect personal data.  Factual and price information are provided with reservations for typological errors and any incorrectly stated technical specifications etc. All prices include VAT. You pay a delivery charge per order, see point 5.



1. Delivery time

See the delivery time stated in each product's information text. The delivery time for stocked lines is normally 5-7 working days (outside Sweden) from the order date. If the products you want to order have different delivery times, and you want the products with the shortest delivery time first, you should place two separate orders. In the case of any delivery delays, you will be informed of this by e-mail or telephone 7 and 20 days respectively after the date of purchase. In the event of delivery delays, you have the right to cancel the purchase. With reservation for availability and any errors in price.


When we have received your order, we will send you as soon as possible a confirmation via email containing information about your order. It is best to save this email so you have it handy if you want to contact us.

3. Payment alternatives

Klarna Checkout is available in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, and Austria.

If a package is broken already at collection or delivery at the door, you as the customer must refuse to receive it.

4. Delivery charge

The delivery charge is EUR 10 for purchases to all destinations outside Sweden. Free shipping above 100 EUR within the EU.

Return shipping costs or EUR 15.

5. Transportation

All transport takes place with the assistance of Postnord/DPD.
Report transport damage as quickly as possible and without delay to Postnord/DPd. 

6. Uncollected packages

We charge SEK 500 per package for delivery costs and administration for uncollected packages. A payment form is sent with 10-day payment terms. If we do not receive a payment within this time, the matter will be handed over for debt collection.

7. Right of withdrawal

As a customer of Nordic KidsWear AB, you have the right to withdraw from a purchase within 30 days from the date you received the goods. However, the right of withdrawal does not apply to products that have been used. The right of withdrawal only applies if the goods are in an essentially unchanged condition. Notification of a return must be made to us via the contact form on the site, post, or telephone no later than 30 days from receiving the goods. Always contact us before returning the goods. In order for us to process your matter more quickly, please provide the following information:

  • order number
  • invoice number
  • title of the products you want to return.

For the return to be approved, the returned goods must be in an essentially unchanged condition. The goods should be well packed, preferably in the original packaging with associated inner packaging and together with any accessories. You will be charged for transport damage due to inadequate packaging. Do not place address stickers directly on the packaging of the goods; instead, place the original carton in another carton. Please state the reason for the return, and return the goods together with the invoice (or a copy of both sides of the invoice); this speeds up the processing of your return. You must pay the cost of the return post. Returns must be sent  to SBJÖRN of Sweden c/o Postnord TPL AB, Bunkagårdsgatan 5, 253 68 HELSINGBORG, Sweden 

Keep your receipt – remember you are responsible for the return package! Nordic KidsWear AB does not accept any liability for transport damage due to poor packaging in the case of returns.

8. Faulty goods

8.1 Faults on delivery

If you should receive a faulty or incorrectly delivered product, you must contact customer service at once at info@isbjornofsweden.com or +46 (0) 8 570 319 18 for the fastest service; however, as soon as reasonably possible if you were unable to examine the goods on delivery. We will make note of the fault report and get back to you with instructions for the return. Send the product in the condition it was received, accompanied by a damage or fault report, and you will receive a faultless, correct product. For sales to private persons, the Swedish Consumer Purchases Act states that, for purchases made by consumers, Nordic KidsWear AB shall remedy the fault or redeliver if this can be done without unreasonable costs for Nordic KidsWear AB. Furthermore, Nordic KidsWear AB always has the right to remedy the fault at its own cost, e.g. by repair or replacement with a faultless product.

8.2 Faults during the guarantee period

We guarantee that the goods you ordered are free from manufacturing faults for one year, or during the guarantee period applicable for your product. The guarantee is valid from the date the product is delivered to you, or collected from a Schenker Privpak Service Point. The guarantee is not valid for faults that arise during, or after, any changes made by you to the product's function or appearance. Nor is it valid in the case of external damage to the product such as, for example, damage caused by dropping or damp. The guarantee covers manufacturing and material faults and applies to the actual product, not to any consequential damage. All guarantee repairs will be carried out by Nordic KidsWear AB. For more specific information about your product guarantee, please consult the operating instructions for the product. For guarantee service, please contact us via the contact form on the site, post or telephone. We will give you instructions about how to send the goods for repair. Please note that the manufacturer is allowed up to three attempts to repair the product before being obliged to replace it.

8.3 Complaints

Notifications of faults must be submitted within a reasonable time from when you discovered or should have discovered the fault. The right of complaint for a product expires under all circumstances after 3 years. Only the original customer has the right to complain to Nordic KidsWear AB. If a product is bought second-hand, only the manufacturer's guarantee applies.

9. Security

We use SSL (Secure Socket Layer), a protocol for the secure transfer of data via the Internet (or other network). The SSL protocol processes data in various ways and encrypts the information. It is a requirement that SSL is not deactivated in the browser's settings.

10. Personal Data Act

Your personal details are protected by the Personal Data Act. This act is based on the 1995 EU Directive and is intended to increase the protection of the personal integrity of private individuals in respect of the increased number of registers and compilations that are stored electronically. According to the Personal Data Act, we must ask you for your consent to process information about you. All personal data that you provide us, or we obtain when you register for purchases or visit our website, will be processed by Nordic KidsWear AB in the role of personal data controller. The information will be used so we can fulfill our commitments to you when you make a purchase. For this purpose, we also need to be able to transfer this information to our partners. The information that is gathered to enable customers to make purchases is only used for this purpose and will not be disseminated to external parties except in connection with the processing of your order. The delivery address and delivery terms are items of information that will be made known only to our freight partner and our suppliers. In
practice, this means that this type of information is not under our direct control. You always have the opportunity to examine the personal data that is held about you. If the information is incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant you can change the details or even choose to delete them.

11. Reservations

Nordic KidsWear AB makes reservations for product availability and for the possibility that products may be withdrawn from the range. We cannot guarantee that all pictures exactly reproduce the products' real appearance. We also make reservations for misprints on this website.

12. Force majeure

Nordic KidsWear AB is released from the consequences of the failure to fulfill certain commitments according to this contract, if the failure is due to grounds for relief according to the following and the circumstance prevents, makes more difficult, or delays the performance thereof. Such grounds for release shall include official action or negligence, new or altered legislation, labor, blockade, fire, flooding, sabotage or serious accident or other type of natural disaster. Force majeure includes government decrees that negatively affect the market and products such as indication restrictions, warning texts, bans on sales etc., abnormal downturns in the market, or if the company suffers from criminal activity that affects its operations.

13. The Distance Selling Act

Nordic KidsWear AB complies with the Distance Selling Act. Read more here.

14. Disputes

In the case of any disputes, Nordic KidsWear AB will follow the recommendations of the Swedish National Board for Consumer Complaints, www.arn.se, or Box 174, 10123 Stockholm, Sweden. We always follow its recommendations. You can also use the EU Commission’s website: http://ec.europa.eu/odr for complaints. The terms are interpreted in accordance with Swedish law.




For å handle hos Nordic KidsWear AB må du ha fylt 18 år. Vi forbeholder oss retten til å annullere ordrer fra personer som har oppgitt feil personopplysninger og/eller som har betalingsanmerkninger. Følgende grunnkrav gjelder for betaling mot faktura samt delbetaling 1. Ingen betalingsanmerkninger 2. Fast inntekt 3. Årsinntekt høyere enn 120 000 kr. Ved forsinket eller uteblitt betaling påløper et purregebyr på p.t. 50 kr samt forsinkelsesrente med 24 % per år. Fakta- og prisopplysninger oppgis med forbehold om skrivefeil og evt. uriktig angitte tekniske spesifikasjoner m.m. Samtlige priser er inkludert mva. Du betaler en fraktkostnad per bestilling, se punkt 5.


Opplysninger om leveringstid finnes i informasjonsteksten for det aktuelle produktet. Leveringstiden (Sverige) er vanligvis 2–4 arbeidsdager fra bestillingsdato. Ved sesongsalg er leveringstiden ca. 2–7 arbeidsdager. Dersom produktene du vil bestille har forskjellig leveringstid og du ønsker å motta varene med kortest leveringstid først, bør du legge inn to separate bestillinger. Ved eventuell forsinket levering får du varsel på e-post eller telefon om dette henholdsvis 7 eller 20 dager etter kjøpet. Ved forsinket levering har du rett til å heve kjøpet. Vi reserverer oss mot utsolgte varer og eventuelle prisfeil.


Når vi har mottatt bestillingen din, sender vi snarest en bekreftelse på e-post med informasjon om ordren. Ta vare på denne e-posten slik at du har den tilgjengelig dersom du får behov for å kontakte oss.


Ved fakturering og delbetaling vil kredittgrensen variere og beregnes ved fullføring av kjøpet. 


Klarna Checkout i Sverige, Norge, Finland, Tyskland og Østerrike, som gir mulighet for kortbetaling med Visa/Mastercard/American Express, eller direkte bankbetaling, faktura eller delbetaling.

  1. FRAKT

Gratis frakt over 1000 NOK. For bestillinger under 1000 NOK vil vi legge til et fraktgebyr på 100 NOK.

Returfrakt koster 150 NOK.

All transport utføres med hjelp av Postnord. 
Meld fra om transportskader snarest mulig og uten ugrunnet opphold til transportselskapet.


Vi debiterer 500 SEK per pakke for fraktkostnader og administrasjon ved uavhentede pakker. Innbetalingskort sendes med 10 dagers betalingsfrist. Dersom vi ikke har mottatt betaling innen denne fristen, sendes saken til inkasso.


Som kunde hos Nordic KidsWear AB har du 30 dagers angrerett på kjøpet fra den dagen du mottok varen. Angreretten gjelder imidlertid ikke for brukte produkter. Angrerett gjelder kun dersom varen er i vesentlig uforandret stand.

For at returen skal godkjennes, må den returnerte varen være i vesentlig uforandret stand. Varen bør pakkes godt, fortrinnsvis i originalemballasje med tilhørende inneremballasje, og sammen med eventuelle tilbehør. Transportskader på grunn av mangelfull emballering debiteres kunden. Vi vil gjerne at du oppgir returårsaken på det vedlagte skjemaet. Send returen med vedlagt fraktseddel. Ta vare på innleveringskvitteringen – husk at du er ansvarlig for returforsendelsen! Nordic KidsWear AB påtar seg ikke noe ansvar for transportskader som følge av dårlig emballering ved retur.



Dersom du mottar en defekt eller feillevert vare, må du kontakte kundeservice umiddelbart på info@isbjornofsweden.com, eller eventuelt på telefon 08-570 319 18 for raskeste service, og senest innen rimelig tid dersom du har vært forhindret i å undersøke varen ved levering. Vi tar imot melding om feil og kommer tilbake med returinstruksjoner. Returner varen i samme stand som du mottok den i, med skade- eller feilmelding vedlagt, så får du en feilfri og riktig vare. Ved salg til forbruker (privatperson) fastsetter forbrukerkjøpsloven at Nordic KidsWear AB ved forbrukerkjøp skal utbedre feilen eller levere ny vare, dersom det kan skje uten urimelig kostnad eller ubeleilighet for Nordic KidsWear AB. Nordic KidsWear AB har dessuten alltid rett til å utbedre feilen, f.eks. ved reparasjon eller bytte mot en feilfri vare.


Vi garanterer at varene du har bestilt er uten produksjonsfeil i ett år, eller i den garantiperioden som gjelder for ditt produkt, og denne garantien gjelder fra datoen da produktet hentes ut fra Schenker Privpak Service Point eller eventuelt leveres. Garanten gjelder ikke for feil som oppstår på grunn av at kunden selv har utført endringer på produktets funksjon og utseende. Den gjelder heller ikke ved ytre påvirkning på produktet, for eksempel misteskader eller fukt. Garanti omfatter fabrikasjons- og materialfeil og gjelder selve varen, ikke eventuelle følgeskader. Alle garantireparasjoner skal utføres av Nordic KidsWear AB. For mer spesifikk informasjon om garantien for ditt produkt, se bruksanvisningen for produktet. Ved garantiservice kan du kontakte oss via kontaktskjemaet på nettsiden, på e-post eller på telefon. Vi gir deg instruksjoner om hvordan du sender varen til reparasjon. Merk at produsenter har opptil tre forsøk på å reparere produktet før de er pliktige til å bytte det ut.


Feil på varer må meldes innen rimelig tid etter at kunden oppdaget eller burde ha oppdaget feilen. Reklamasjonsretten for en vare opphører under alle omstendigheter etter 3 år, og kun den opprinnelige kunden har mulighet til å reklamere til Nordic KidsWear AB. Dersom et produkt kjøpes brukt, er det kun produsentens garanti som gjelder.


Vi bruker SSL (Secure Socket Layer), en protokoll for sikker overføring av data via Internett (eller andre nettverk). SSL-protokollen behandler data på forskjellige måter og krypterer informasjonen. Det er et krav at SSL ikke er slått av i innstillingene for nettleseren.


Personopplysninger beskyttes av personopplysningsloven. Denne loven bygger på EU-direktiv fra 1995 og har til hensikt å øke beskyttelsen for privatpersoners personlige integritet med tanke på det økte antallet registre og sammenstillinger som lagres elektronisk. Ifølge personopplysningsloven må vi be deg samtykke til at vi behandler opplysninger om deg. Alle personopplysninger du gir oss eller som vi mottar når du registrerer deg for kjøp eller besøker hjemmesiden vår, behandles av Nordic KidsWear AB i egenskap av personopplysningsansvarlig. Vi bruker informasjonen for å kunne oppfylle våre forpliktelser overfor deg ved kjøp. Derfor har vi også behov for å kunne videreformidle disse opplysningene til samarbeidspartnere. Informasjonen som samles for at kunden skal kunne gjennomføre kjøp, brukes kun til dette formålet og spres ikke til utenforstående, bortsett fra i forbindelse med behandling av bestillingen. Leveringsadresse og leveringsvilkår er informasjon som kun deles med vår fraktpartner og våre leverandører. I praksis innebærer det at denne typen informasjon ligger utenfor vår direkte kontroll. Du har alltid mulighet til å få vite hvilke personopplysninger som er registrert om deg. Dersom opplysningene er feilaktige, ufullstendige eller irrelevante, kan du endre dem eller velge å slette dem.


Nordic KidsWear AB reserverer seg mot utsolgte varer og at varene kan gå ut av sortimentet. Vi garanterer ikke at alle bilder gjengir produktenes faktiske utseende nøyaktig. Vi reserverer oss dessuten mot eventuelle trykkfeil på denne hjemmesiden.


Nordic KidsWear AB er fritatt for konsekvenser av å unnlate å oppfylle sine forpliktelser ifølge denne avtalen dersom unnlatelsen skyldes omstendigheter som gir unntak som nevnt nedenfor, og dersom omstendighetene vanskeliggjør, forhindrer eller forsinker oppfyllelsen av forpliktelsene. Omstendigheter som gir unntak er blant annet myndigheters tiltak eller unnlatelser, nye eller endrede lover, konflikter på arbeidsmarkedet, blokade, brann, oversvømmelse, sabotasje, ulykker av større omfang eller andre typer naturkatastrofer. I force majeure inngår også myndigheters beslutninger som påvirker marked og produkter negativt, f.eks. restriksjoner i indikasjon, advarselstekster, salgsforbud osv. unormal markedsnedgang samt eventuell kriminell aktivitet som selskapet utsettes for og som påvirker virksomheten.


Nordic KidsWear AB følger forbrukerkjøpsloven. Les mer her.

  1. TVIST

Ved en eventuell tvist vil Nordic KidsWear AB følge Forbrukerrådets anbefalinger



1. Delivery Charge
We offer free shipping for orders above 200 USD. For orders under 200 USD, we will add a shipping fee of 15 USD.

Return shipping costs $15.

2. Delivery time
Our deliveries are handled by UPS. The delivery time is normally 3-5 working days.

3. Confirmation
When we have received your order, we will send you as soon as possible a confirmation via email containing information about your order. We advise saving this email in case you need to contact us for your purchase.

After you received the order confirmation it is not possible to cancel the order.

4. Taxes & Duties:
Orders to the United States will be shipped on a DAP (Delilvery-At-Place) basis. This means that your shipment might, but not necessarily, will be subjected to import taxes and duties. Shipments up to 800 USD will be duty-free.

5. Payment:
The payment is due at the moment of the order.
We offer you a safe and convenient payment solution with Paypal. Please check the link for PayPal terms and conditions.


6. Uncollected packages
We charge USD 50 per package for delivery costs and administration for uncollected packages. A payment form is sent with 10-day payment terms. If we do not receive a payment within this time, the matter will be handed over for debt collection.

7. Right of withdrawal
As a customer of Nordic KidsWear AB, you have the right to withdraw from a purchase within 14 days from the date you received the goods. However, the right of withdrawal does not apply to products that have been used. The right of withdrawal only applies if the goods are in an essentially unchanged condition. Notification of a return must be made to us per e-mail info@isbjornofsweden.com no later than 30 days from receiving the goods. Always contact us before returning the goods. For us to process your matter more quickly, please provide the following information:
• Order number
• invoice number
• title of the products you want to return.
For the return to be approved, the returned goods must be in an essentially unchanged condition. The goods should be well packed, preferably in the original packaging with associated inner packaging and together with any accessories. You will be charged for transport damage due to inadequate packaging. Do not place address stickers directly on the packaging of the goods; instead, place the original carton/bag in another carton/bag.
Keep your receipt – remember you are responsible for the return package! Nordic KidsWear AB does not accept any liability for transport damage due to poor packaging in the case of returns.
For further information about returns and exchanges can you find it in the menu under Returns & Exchanges

8. Faulty goods
8.1 Faults on delivery
If you should receive a faulty or incorrectly delivered product, you must contact customer service at once at info@isbjornofsweden.com or +46 (0) 8 570 319 18 for the fastest service; however, as soon as reasonably possible if you were unable to examine the goods on delivery. We will make note of the fault report and get back to you with instructions for the return. Send the product in the condition it was received, accompanied by a damage or fault report, and you will receive a faultless, correct product. For sales to private persons, the Swedish Consumer Purchases Act states that, for purchases made by consumers, Nordic KidsWear AB shall remedy the fault or redeliver if this can be done without unreasonable costs for Nordic KidsWear AB. Furthermore, Nordic KidsWear AB always has the right to remedy the fault at its own cost, e.g. by repair or replacement with a faultless product.

8.2 Faults during the guarantee period
We guarantee that the goods you ordered are free from manufacturing faults for one year, or during the guarantee period applicable to your product. The guarantee is valid from the date the product is delivered to you, or collected from a DHL Service Point. The guarantee is not valid for faults that arise during, or after, any changes made by you to the product's function or appearance. Nor is it valid in the case of external damage to the product such as, for example, damage caused by dropping or damp. The guarantee covers manufacturing and material faults and applies to the actual product, not to any consequential damage. All guarantee repairs will be carried out by Nordic KidsWear AB. For more specific information about your product guarantee, please consult the operating instructions for the product. For guarantee service, please contact us via the contact form on the site, post or telephone. We will give you instructions about how to send the goods for repair. Please note that the manufacturer is allowed up to three attempts to repair the product before being obliged to replace it.

8.3 Complaints
Notifications of faults must be submitted within a reasonable time from when you discovered or should have discovered the fault. The right of complaint for a product expires under all circumstances after 3 years. Only the original customer has the right to complain to Nordic KidsWear AB. If a product is bought second-hand, only the manufacturer's guarantee applies.

9. Security
We use SSL (Secure Socket Layer), a protocol for the secure transfer of data via the Internet (or other network). The SSL protocol processes data in various ways and encrypts the information. It is a requirement that SSL is not deactivated in the browser's settings.

10. Personal Data Act & GDPR
Your personal details are protected by the Personal Data Act. This act is based on the 1995 EU Directive and is intended to increase the protection of the personal integrity of private individuals in respect of the increased number of registers and compilations that are stored electronically. According to the Personal Data Act, we must ask you for your consent to process information about you. All personal data that you provide us, or we obtain when you register for purchases or visit our website, will be processed by Nordic KidsWear AB in the role of the personal data controller. The information will be used so we can fulfill our commitments to you when you make a purchase. For this purpose, we also need to be able to transfer this information to our partners. The information that is gathered to enable customers to make purchases is only used for this purpose and will not be disseminated to external parties except in connection with the processing of your order. The delivery address and delivery terms are items of information that will be made known only to our freight partner and our suppliers. In practice, this means that this type of information is not under our direct control. You always have the opportunity to examine the personal data that is held about you. If the information is incorrect, incomplete, or irrelevant you can change the details or even choose to delete them. For further information please check our Privacy Policy.

11. Reservations
Nordic KidsWear AB makes reservations for price errors, product availability, and for the possibility that products may be withdrawn from the range. We cannot guarantee that all pictures exactly reproduce the products' real appearance. We also make reservations for misprints on this website.

12. Force majeure
Nordic KidsWear AB is released from the consequences of the failure to fulfill certain commitments according to this contract, if the failure is due to grounds for relief according to the following and the circumstance prevents, makes more difficult, or delays the performance thereof. Such grounds for release shall include official action or negligence, new or altered legislation, labor, blockade, fire, flooding, sabotage or serious accident or other type of natural disaster. Force majeure includes government decrees that negatively affect the market and products such as indication restrictions, warning texts, bans on sales, etc., abnormal downturns in the market or if the company suffers from criminal activity that affects its operations.

13. The Distance Selling Act
Nordic KidsWear AB complies with the Distance Selling Act. Read more here.

14. Disputes
In the case of any disputes, Nordic KidsWear AB will follow the recommendations of the Swedish National Board for Consumer Complaints, www.arn.se, or Box 174, 10123 Stockholm, Sweden. We always follow its recommendations. You can also use the EU Commission’s website: http://ec.europa.eu/odr for complaints. The terms are interpreted in accordance with Swedish law.

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