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Here you find size information for children in cm. It corresponds to the child's length in cm. Remember that children develop and grow differently, so the safest way to get the right size is to measure the child's height. Guide you through the tables of different sizes and dimensions. The dimensions are given in cm and the dimensions indicated are for the child - not the dimensions for physical garments.
Composition: 50% Merino Wool, 50% Acrylic Bluesign®, RWS®
The HAWK knitted hat, made in a jersey knit of 50% RWS and mulesing-free merino wool and 50% acrylic and lined with fleece, keeps the child warm and cozy during the colder season. The model has a regular shape. The fleece lining inside offers a very soft and comfortable hat that does not itch.
Eco profile: Jersey Knit- bluesign®, full lineRWS standard. Mulesing free wool.